My lettering started with playing around with digitising my handwriting, and incorporating it into my pocket page digital designs. I would use whatever black pen I had lying around and just wrote the same words over and over again.

When Kal Barteski launched her Life Scripted course in 2014, I became quickly obsessed with brush lettering. After a year of following lettering artists on Instagram and wondering how they did what they did, I purchased Kal’s course, along with a sumi brush and black gouche. Unfortunately, I was really bad at it. I didn’t finish the lessons and took a break from lettering for awhile.

I became disheartened by my efforts. My youngest said to me one night, “Mummy, you’re just sad because you don’t believe in yourself.” He could tell I was feeling discouraged. He’s a bit of a creative and liked to watch me write. I was amazed by his insight!

That night, I scripted his words over, and over, and over again. Little does he know, he motivated me to persevere.

I started to watch a lot of process videos on YouTube and Instagram. My favourites were Random Olive‘s Instagram videos (@randomolive) and K Werner Design on YouTube.

If you check out the photos for this post, you’ll see in Nov 2015, I set myself the challenge to script every single day for a month, and posted my practice on Instagram. I jumped on Pinterest and found quotes and song lyrics that I liked, and scripted a new one daily. I kept all my lettering in a spiral bound art book, and I’m so glad I did. It’s fun to see how my writing style evolved over the 30 days, and how it’s evolved since then.

The daily scripting challenge was so great to do. In that short time, I saw improvements in my letter formations and I became more comfortable with my brushes. Slowly, I found my own style that came naturally to me.

I highly recommend watching as many process videos and tutorials as you can, AND commit to a regular daily practice. Skillshare is also great and has loads of brush lettering classes.



We were emptying the dishwasher together the other morning, and I can’t even remember what we were talking about, but I must have said something negative about myself when Mr 9 says, “Mama, you’re always dissing yourself.”

So, yeah. I didn’t really know how to respond and mumbled a “Yeah, I guess I do. I really shouldn’t do that hey?”

How did this kid get so wise!? He’s been quietly watching. Taking it in. And then he calls me on it. Straight up. I mean, seriously, what type of example am I setting for the boys if I can’t accept a compliment with a graceful “thank you” or be proud of stuff I’m good at?

It’s stuff like this that confirms our children are our greatest teachers. Have your kiddos ever floored you with their wisdom?



OVERWHELM // My little guy was not his usual cheeky full-of-beans self this morning. He was absent-minded and couldn’t focus on getting ready for school. I could tell he was a bit overwhelmed. When I asked him what was up, he fobbed me off with a “I dunno…just tired..” which I wasn’t buying.

Further mama investigation revealed he was upset he got up later than he wanted this morning. And he was frustrated he forgot to charge up his iPad for school.

Once he figured out what was upsetting him, he realised it wasn’t so bad, and he was back to cracking bad puns and styling his hair for school.

Same goes for us grown ups right? When we take a minute to identify what’s overwhelming us, it becomes less overwhelming. Just seems too easy, right..!?




When I started this account in January, I was constantly comparing my work AND myself with what I saw in other feeds.

All the photos of the gourmet cafe breakfasts, the beautiful home interiors, unboxing of the latest fashion and make up, the amazing holiday destinations…! My every day just isn’t like that.

My reality is morning school drop offs in my pyjamas and being squished between my two boys on the couch with popcorn, watching a movie is my happy place. I love a good decluttering session and the smell of sun dried bedlinen.

I’m totally winning if I can get the kids to school on time, AND fit in yoga before work, all in the same morning. This is me. My real life, and I actually really love it.

It’s taken me a while, but with my husband’s unwavering belief in me (..and some gorgeous friends!), I have slowly learned to be kinder and more accepting of myself, and my work.

Do you have someone who’s always in you corner cheering you on no matter what?




I created these MORE Self Love Intention Cards because I know first hand how being kinder to myself can absolutely 100% transform, heal and bring a joy that comes from within. I wanted to make something that would help others find more self love in their every day.

When you sift through the cards to choose what you want to focus on for the day (week..month..), you are taking the first step to prioritising yourself. How awesome is that!?

Intuitively, you already know what you need MORE of, whether it’s to breathe more, stretch more, laugh more, nourish more, or daydream more…so having a visual reminder will reinforce your commitment to yourself. That in itself is very self loving.

I believe self love looks different for everybody and it’s about finding what is truest for you.

Here are some examples of how you can be more Self Loving:
  • Getting up 15 minutes before the children wake for a quiet cup of tea 
  • Setting clear boundaries about not working late
  • Preparing a nourishing lunch instead of skipping meals
  • Reaching out to ask for help when things get too much
  • Going to bed earlier
  • Staying hydrated during the day
What others have said about the Self Love intention cards:

I love my Intention Cards. Whenever I sit down at my desk, I give them a shuffle. I love to see what comes up and it’s ALWAYS a valid reminder.” – Naomi S

Working from home means we sometimes miss the little ‘transitions’ that move us from point-to-point in a day. Sue’s Intention Cards sit on my desk and have become a ritual that helps me transition — gently — into my ‘work brain’ each day. And they always tell me what I need to hear.” – Chrissy C

Your cards are like self-care oracle cards! I think your cards are magic.” – Claire G

You can purchase your own set of the the More Self Love Intention Cards in my store. They’ve been created with love to help you invite more self love into your everyday.




A few years ago, we travelled interstate for a short getaway by the ocean with our little family. Being away from our everyday routine and spending time by the ocean made me feel like time had slowed down. It was very addictive.

Feeling connected and present gives us the illusion that time is standing still, and it feels somewhat magical and amazing.

As a mother with young children, I am very aware of how quickly the years roll by. One minute they are babies, next minute they are starting kindergarten, and before you know it, they are off to secondary school.

We can’t slow time down, but we can slow down the mental pace at which we are going about our daily lives. It’s easy to let our minds think about our next task before we have even completed the task at hand.

Personally, the days when I have been glued to my computer are the days I feel disappointed with myself when I am saying goodnight to my boys. I get a sad reality check when I need to ask them what they have been up to that afternoon, even though we have been home together. Sadly, that’s my real life somedays. This is when I know it’s time to slow down and be more present with them.

The need to slow down is real. WHY? Because if we don’t slow down, we will miss all the beautiful moments sprinkled throughout our every day.

8 ways to slow down and be more present:
  1. Give 100% of your attention to my child who is telling me about their day in great detail.
  2. Savouring their cuddles and taking in how little they feel when you wrap your arms around them.
  3. Looking at your children and really SEEING them. Their eyelashes, the colour of their eyes, the softness of their cheeks.
  4. Talking to your partner about their day, and sharing about your own to reconnect after a work day.
  5. Sitting down to have a meal together at the table with your family and enjoying conversation without digital distractions.
  6. Stepping outside and breathing in the fresh air and noticing the beauty of nature.
  7. Looking up at the sky and taking it all in.
  8. Taking every opportunity to admire and savour beautiful sunsets.

How do you savour slow?