Have you ever wondered why you have your best ideas in the shower?

Apparently when you’re showering, you’re in Theta state, which is also associated with daydreaming and deep meditation.

So, when you’re in the shower, you have the perfect conditions for stimulating creative thinking.

3 reasons why your best ideas come in the shower:

1. You’re relaxed.

You feel safe, comfortable and if you’re lucky, you’re kids aren’t in there with you, so your mind is relaxed and free to wander, and zone out.

2. Your dopamine is flowing.

When you’re relaxed and feeling chilled, your brain will release a generous dose of dopamine so you’re also feeling pretty darn good.

3. You’re distracted + on autopilot.

Showering takes no thought, allowing your “focused thinking brain” to relax and your unconscious kicks in. This means different pathways of your brain are now free to connect and make new and unique associations. Hello creative thinking magic!

Some people have their best ideas when driving, meditating, or as they drift off to sleep. ie. when it’s most inconvenient to record ideas on your phone OR take notes.

I’d love to hear when you have your best ideas and light bulb moments?




I asked my husband how he’d describe what I value most, to someone who’d never met me.

He paused. It was a long pause. Luckily we are way past the awkward silences stage. He said holding onto special moments is really important to me, and I do whatever I can to capture those memories.

I showed him the notes from when I brainstormed what’s important to me. Some of my WHY’s. Gosh, he knows me well.

I wrote:

Sentimental. I don’t want to forget all the magical moments. I want to hold onto them forever. Being a mum is my greatest joy. And the biggest challenge. You always want the best for your children. You want them to love themselves. To be confident humans. To see their worth and know how much they are loved. To teach them to love and care for themselves.

To be considerate of others. To be compassionate and kind towards others. I have learned that we all just want to be seen. To be heard. To know we are important, loved, acknowledged and understood. To feel valued.”

My personal WHY is simple and almost unambitious. I want my boys to know how much they are loved and to value themselves.

And this flows into my work WHY. I want to help you realise the value you bring to the world. To believe in yourself. Sometimes we need someone to tell us how amazing we are a few billion times before it sinks in.

Do you write things down to get more clarity? Or do you prefer to talk things out?




As an entrepreneur, developing a strong personal brand is so important. If you think about all your marketing efforts as the way you communicate with your audience, then your brand personality is your VIBE during those interactions. Much like when you meet someone, and you click straightaway. It’s hard to pin point exactly why you click, but you know you like their vibe and energy.

When you know your brand personality, these characteristics will shine through in your Instagram captions, blog content, newsletters, visual imagery, packaging, and the way you respond to emails and telephone enquiries.

Here are 3 quick steps to get your started on finding your brand personality:

1. Imagine your brand as a real person with purpose, values and personality.

2. Identify 3-5 words you’d ideally like others to use when they talk about your brand’s stand out characteristics. ie. professional, honest, creative, fun..?

3. Think about your current marketing efforts. Does the vibe you are communicating match the characteristics you identified in step 2. If not, then have a look at making some tweaks.

But what if you can’t seem to narrow it down to less than 3 words?

Having too many words will make it more challenging to streamline your brand message within your marketing content, making it less cohesive and even a bit confusing for your audience.

If you are finding it hard to narrow down your brand personality to less than five words, I would encourage you to start by getting clear on your brand’s overarching purpose, values and vision.

PS. I also know some wonderful business and marketing coaches who can help so let me know if you want a referral!




Your Instagram bio is such a great opportunity to tell your potential clients and customers how you can serve them, and to connect with them.

If you are thinking about giving your bio a makeover, here’s 4 simple things to keep in mind:

1. Include your name

When was the last time you introduced yourself by your business name only? Probably never, right? If it’s just you in your business, include your name in your bio! I like to address people by names which can be tricky when they don’t include their name in their bio so I have to try find an intro post or scan comments to see if someone mentions their name anywhere. It makes it much more personal!

2. Be specific about what you’re offering

Don’t make people scroll through your account to find out what you do or what you sell. Chances are, they just want to get back to a relaxing scroll sesh, or insta story surfingie. ceramics, candles, custom illustrations, 1:1 coaching, in-person workshops, online courses…

3. Tell them how you can make their life better

People visit your profile to find out if you’ve got something they need. ie. inspiration, connection, knowledge, a solution to a problem, or something to make their life easier/better/healthier/happier. So don’t put them through a scavenger hunt to find out, make it clear in your bio.

4. Let them know what to do next

Include a call to action so anyone who is interested in engaging in your services or purchasing your product can either connect with you, get to know you better, purchase or making a booking. Remember, a call to action doesn’t always have to be linked to making a sale.

Do you update your bio often? What’s your biggest challenge in writing your bio when you do?




Weekends are even better when there is time to rest. And I don’t necessarily mean having a sleep in, or a siesta. Although I’m not opposed to either of those!

“Rest” can be about giving ourselves breathing space. The chance to take it slow and easy… to take things in and hit pause on the hustle and grind mentality.

Ideas for slowing down and having a restful weekend:
  • indulge in a leisurely breakfast
  • enjoying a second or third cup of tea
  • dote over your plant babies as you give them their weekly watering
  • soaking up the the sunshine
  • breathe in the ocean breeze
  • get messy with your paints
  • fill your house with the smell of freshly baked muffins
  • get cosy with a good book
  • taking a long bath

Sound good?

I’ll be fussing over my plant babies today, having some paint play, and soaking up some sunshine out on our back deck with a cup of tea. Full disclosure though, I did all my chores yesterday so I could have today free. The laundry mountain is real.

What have you got planned for your Sunday? Will you have time to rest and slow down?

Rest More card (pictured) is from my More Self Love intention card set. You can find them in my shop .




The other day, after school pick up, my boys swiftly retreated into their separate rooms, doors closed with their laptop and tablet. Generally I encourage them to stay in the dining room with their devices so I can at least keep an eye on them.

This particular afternoon they were both on Skype with their mates. It was an odd feeling not having seen them all day, and then have them disappear into their rooms straight after school. Just a glimpse into what I can expect more of in the future. I wandered down the hallway past their closed doors and felt somewhat rejected. Such a sook!

It was only a few years ago when they weren’t preoccupied with screens. Going outside to shoot hoops in the front yard after school was the norm. Or they would build with their Lego, and my youngest would read a book or draw.

Being caught up in the distractions of my to-do lists, errands and chores has been the quickest way to miss those beautiful every day moments.

I have started to make a point of observing them more. To really see them. Taking in all the details.

And listening. Listening to their stories, listening to how they talk with each other (when they’re not arguing). And to savour how it feels to be able to wrap my arms around them completely when I hug them. Because pretty soon they will be bigger than me.

Last night when I was preparing dinner, I looked up to see them both sitting in the big office chair watching television. I won’t go into why we have a big office chair in the lounge room! I soaked up that scene in my mind, trying hard to capture it so I wouldn’t forget. It won’t be long before it will be impossible for them both to squeeze comfortably into that chair. Plus it looked so darn cute! (you don’t know how they like to squabble…)

And this morning when I was making school lunches, I knew they weren’t brushing their teeth like they were supposed to because all I could hear was their constant Clash of Clans chatter and laughing. My first thought was to rouse them to stop talking and hurry them along. Instead, I decided to enjoy listening to them and just take it in. I was reminded how grateful I am for the strong connection they have. Brothers. Hanging out whilst teeth brushing and hair styling… making ordinary every day memories.

Creating moments to observe, listen and take in our children is probably one of the most beautiful gifts we can give ourselves.

I’d love to hear how you like to take in your every day moments with your kiddos!

PS. Photo is of Simba and Spot (my eldest’s favourite cuddle toys as a littlie) and the cutest pyjama pants my mum sewed for the boys when they were toddlers. I love the fabrics Mum chose. Before I gave them to my friend, I photographed them for future photobooks.