Helping you create a life that is intentional, meaningful, and true to you.

Sue Ko
Writer. Lettering Artist. Space Holder.


Let me hold space for you.

In a 1:1 session, I hold a safe space for you to better understand who you are today — and the person you are growing into. We do this with gentle compassion for who you were yesterday.

It is here you will find your peace within – and create a life that is intentional, meaningful, and true to you.

Thank you Sue for giving me a safe space to express and share, a space to voice out and say what I wanted to say without thinking too much. Your caring and presence really made the sessions exactly what I needed - like a hug to encourage and help me share more and get some clarity. You helped me to tune in and detangle certain areas of my life. I really enjoyed our time together and the spontaneity of our honest conversations. 

– Marie S

Sue is very relatable with a gentleness that made me feel very comfortable. Our sessions gave me a sense of achievement, knowing that I was doing something beneficial for myself. Sue never told me what to do, instead made great suggestions and strategies to find my clarity and focus. Thank you so much Sue, for your time and tools. I thoroughly enjoyed our sessions together.

– Nicole W

Although our session was conducted in a very professional way, I felt like I was speaking to a friend and I was able to open up. I didn't feel judged but accepted. That helped me even more to open up. Sue has a calming voice and presence, and and very sincere, gaining my trust immediately.

– Juliana B

As a Coach, I found Sue to be a very warm, compassionate, and caring person, who allowed the session to flow as it needed to. Sue was non-judgemental and made me feel very comfortable to share my difficult story. In just a few sessions, Sue has set me on a path to become more focussed on achieving my goals and has made me realise that I am so much more capable than I believe. I would recommend Sue and thank her for helping me get back on the right track.

– Rachel S

Sue is a beautiful soul who is authentic in her questioning. I felt safe within the space she created. Sue helped me to open up without judgement and used supportive intuitive questioning to dive deeper into my belief system. Thank you Sue, I'm grateful for our sessions.

– Simon

An an artist my mind is always moving, and Sue, by conversation guided my thoughts and ideas into clear, easy to follow steps, without changing my original intent.

– Vic L

Sue has the ability to guide you if you need clarity about how to move towards the future if you're feeling stuck with how you're approaching life. With Sue’s coaching I felt more empowered to make decisions that reflected my priorities.

– Alice K

Sue has a natural ability to listen and support along with asking questions to help guide us toward what we already possess within. I looked so forward to each session and could so easily feel the clarity that came with our conversations.

– Amanda P

Working with Sue was a holistic experience in itself. Her questions cause a person to go deep which reaches into other areas of your life, and remind those driven, amibitious, “all-about-business” people of their humanness. Sue is so good at helping you get clarity and direction which comes from being an authentic listener, and the ability to connect with people.

– Shalani M

Sue has the ability to ask questions that guide you to the solutions within. By the end of our session I felt a real sense of calm and clarity about where I was heading and what my purpose is. Sue has a beautiful calm and caring approach and I felt she truly understood me and where I was at...but more importantly she encouraged me gently to let go of my own self enforced limitations and to embrace being authentically me.

– Mardi W.

When you approach life from a place of self love, you rediscover YOUR TRUTH.

Self love helped me find my TRUE SELF again.

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